Special Note: The following was written by Yan Golovatyy who came to Prime as an intern for the summer of 2015. Yan is a Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) student starting his senior year of high school this fall. At...
I love sitting at stoplights and checking out the business-related graphics on vehicles. Whether it’s an image of a mouthwatering dish, a photo of a local realtor or a bouquet of flowers, vehicle graphics can be an important and...
Our first effort at building a company blog was a very familiar story. It sort of resembled most elementary school kids running the mile on track and field day: the first lap was full of energy and excitement, but...
From stylized text to abstract swirls, does your logo reflect your company and brand? Customers should be able to get a sense of what you do just by looking at your logo. The best corporate logos are unique, easy...